CIO SP3 Small Business
Alpha Omega is under an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle.
To provide IT solutions and services as defined in FAR 2.101(b) and further clarified in the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Information Technology Acquisitions and Assessment Center (NITAAC), has created a 10-year, multiple award indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle called Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners III (CIO-SP3 Small Business). CIO-SP3 Small Business is a new Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) that can be used by any federal civilian or DoD agency to fulfill a broad range of mission critical IT requirements. The objective of CIO-SP3 Small Business is to provide government agencies a mechanism for quick ordering of needed IT solutions and services at equitable and reasonable prices, to give qualified small businesses a greater opportunity to participate in these requirements, and as a result, give government agencies a mechanism to help meet their socio-economic contracting goals.
The following are Alpha Omega’s CIO-SP3 Small Business team task areas, which are provided as a guide, but do not preclude placing any IT requirement. If you need help determining where your particular IT requirements fall, contact the Customer Support Center.
Task Area 1: IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
Task Area 2: Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
Task Area 3: Imaging
Task Area 4: Outsourcing
Task Area 5: IT Operations and Maintenance
Task Area 6: Integration Services
Task Area 7: Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
Task Area 8: Digital Government
Task Area 9: Enterprise Resource Planning
Task Area 10: Software Development

CIO-SP3 Small Business
Easy-to-use, secure web-based e-GOS ordering system for automated task order competition, set-aside, management, awardee selection and notification
No special “Delegation of Procurement Authority” is required by NITAAC
Customer Support Center provides 1-hour response to any contractual, technical or procedural question
1-day turnaround on free, comprehensive SOW/SOO assessment for every task order assures quality responses
Free training on GWACs, FAR 16, NITAAC contracts and NITAAC online ordering systems; certification for 2 CLPs awarded
Streamlined ordering and procedures under FAR Subpart 16.505 save time, money and resources
8(a) competition allows for sole source awards without additional competition or justification under FAR Subpart 19.804-6 (b)
Task orders placed directly by agency with end-to-end management by procuring CO
Task order competition drives rates even lower
Customized terms, conditions and labor categories easily added at the task order level.
Contract Information
Contract Details:
Awarded Contract HHSN316201200102W (8a)Awarded Contract HHSN316201200182W (SB/WOSB)
Latest Conformed Contract
Government Site Rates
Contractor Sites Rates
Sponsor: National Institute of Health (NIH)
Administrator: NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC)
Program Ceiling: $20 Billion
Expiration Date: April 29, 2024
8(a) Expiration Date: April 29, 2024
10-Year, multiple award indefinite-delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) GWAC
$20 billion contract ceiling
For everything ITSM in support of the Federal Enterprise Architecture, the Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture and the Federal Health Architecture.
.55%, with a cap of $150,000, which applies to any task order base or optional period (not to exceed 12 months) with funding in excess of $27 million
Payment Terms: 0% NET 30 Days
Point of Contact:
NITAAC Small Business Web Site
Customer Support Center
Sudha Venkateswaran, Vice President, Federal Programs
(703) 980-8746